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Cainright, D. M. Seventh-day Adventism Renounced full-text of the work.

Source :

Center for Adventist Research
https://www.centerforadventistresearch.orgDocuments and artifacts pertaining to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Center for Youth Evangelism
https://www.cye.orgResources for youth-to-youth Evangelism.

CIRCLE: Curriculum & Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators
https://circle.adventist.orgNAD OED - A clearinghouse of curriculum and other resources for Seventh-day Adventist educators.
The mission of the Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) is to serve as a comprehensive source for locating the ever-expanding array of resources for Seventh-day Adventist educators as they continue the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ.

Clarence L. Thomas IV’s Home Page full-text books by Uriah Smith (Modern Spiritualism and The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation) and one by Charles Miles Snow (On the Throne of Sin) as well as several by Ellen G. White. Copyright statements indicate they are electronically reproduced with the permission of the Review and Herald Publishing Association. The books reproduced here are not in image format and as such not as valuable to the historian as those which are images of the original.

Source :

Computed Search Engine to EGW Writings (Experimental) Computed Search Engine to EGW Writings developed by Mr. Winelfred G. Pasamba, AUP Online Information System Administrator.

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