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Adventist Digital Library
The Adventist Digital Library provides direct access to Adventist historical materials, as well as current resources available within copyright boundaries.
Adventist Frontier Missions
Adventist Frontier Missions establishes indigenous Seventh-day Adventist church-planting movements among unreached people groups.
Adventist Heritage Ministry
A corporation to assist in preserving the heritage of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Adventist Organizational Directory
The Adventist Organizational Directory provides an organizational locator and standard reference for Adventist organizations and entities worldwide.
Adventist Review
The flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Adventist Theological Society
Established in 1981 and is the publisher of the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index and the Seventh-day Adventist Obituary Index.
Provides leadership resources, high quality uniforms, and accessories for Pathfinders, Adventurers, and Eager Beavers.
Andrews University Seminary Student Journal
The purpose of the journal is to disseminate scholarly contributions of graduate students.
Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS)
AUSS publishes cutting-edge research articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews to aid you in your study, research, teaching, and preaching.
Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians (ASDAL)
The Association was formed to enhance communication between Seventh-day Adventist librarians and to promote librarianship and library services to Seventh-day Adventist institutions.
America Memory
Historical Collections for the National Digital Library project (USA). A search under "Adventist" results in a list including a photograph of the 1912 Wausau, Wisconsin SDA annual state convention, oral histories of several SDA's, and full text of the 1957 book Cornflake Crusade by Gerald Carson. This book is a popular history which chronicles how Battle Creek became a health center and the birthplace of America's breakfast cereal industry. Includes information on SDA's and John Harvey Kellogg as well as Will Keith Kellogg.
Making of America
A major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to the development of the U.S.

Materials are drawn from the library collections at the University of Michigan and Cornell University.

Search under "Smith, Uriah" for the full text of both The United States in the light of prophecy; or An exposition of Rev. 13:11-17 ... and The sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days of Daniel VII, 14.

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Adventist Pioneer Library
Gallery of photos and short biographies of early Adventist pioneers. Also includes articles about the importance of the pioneers. Full text of Adventist historical articles and books available in their CD-Rom library.

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Pictures and brief biographies of early Adventist leaders.

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Andrews University, Adventist Heritage Center
The Adventist Heritage Center is one of the primary documentary collections for the study of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, its predecessors and related groups, from the Millerite movement to the present. This web site lists and describes the Center’s major collections.

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The Biblical Timeline
From the creation of the world to the last-day events of Revelation, the timeline is a comprehensive guide to major Bible events, characters, and prophecies.
Biblioteca del Espiritu de Profecia
Some Ellen G. White materials in Spanish.

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Ballenger, Albion F Cast out for the Cross of Christ
Full-text chapter-by-chapter.

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Center for Adventist Research
Documents and artifacts pertaining to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Center for Youth Evangelism
Resources for youth-to-youth Evangelism.
CIRCLE: Curriculum & Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators
NAD OED - A clearinghouse of curriculum and other resources for Seventh-day Adventist educators.
The mission of the Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) is to serve as a comprehensive source for locating the ever-expanding array of resources for Seventh-day Adventist educators as they continue the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ.
Computed Search Engine to EGW Writings (Experimental)
Experimental Computed Search Engine to EGW Writings developed by Mr. Winelfred G. Pasamba, AUP Online Information System Administrator.
Clarence L. Thomas IV’s Home Page
Two full-text books by Uriah Smith (Modern Spiritualism and The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation) and one by Charles Miles Snow (On the Throne of Sin) as well as several by Ellen G. White. Copyright statements indicate they are electronically reproduced with the permission of the Review and Herald Publishing Association. The books reproduced here are not in image format and as such not as valuable to the historian as those which are images of the original.

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Cainright, D. M. Seventh-day Adventism Renounced
Chapter-by-chapter full-text of the work.

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Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
ESDA is a global church project which aims at completing approximately 8,500 articles with accompanying photographs, media, and original documents.
E.G. White Estate
Besides full-text of the best-known books of Ellen G. White, there are articles about her and about the E.G. White Estate. Also included are selected issues relating to inspiration and Ellen G. White, basic principles regarding her messages, and more.

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Site includes history of Ellen White’s residence at Elmshaven, a virtual tour of the house, brief biography of Ellen White plus picture, and other information.

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The Ellen G. White Web Site
This site looks so legitimate that it is misleading at first. However, it contains materials critical of Ellen White and the church and is maintained by ex-SDA’s. The Spanish version is a computer translation of the English. It is the only English language site on this list that provides a translation.

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Foot Steps of the Pioneers - beta site designed by Michael Campbell for E. G. White Estate
Links to information about Adventist historical sites in Connecticut, Maine, and Massachusetts. Includes some pictures.

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Find A Grave
Picture of John Harvey Kellogg’s grave at Oak Hill. Brief obits of others buried at Oak Hill, including Ellen and James White.

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GC Organization Locator
Search for denominational organizations world wide.
Adventist locator will help you find a church or office near you.
Global Mission Centers
Global Mission Centers help us understand the beliefs and cultures of other world religions and equips Adventists to interact with them in social and business settings.
Great American Quacks: The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
Contains an entry on Dr. John Harvey Kellogg who is listed even though "he was not a true quack" because "he engaged in questionable medical procedures such as flectherizing, electropathy, and radium cures."

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Historical Research Resources
How does someone get started in researching Adventist history? Where can they go to research Adventist history? Are there books about Adventist history? These questions, and more, answered in this website.
Historic Adventist Village/Adventist Heritage Ministry – UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Explore the "quick menu" to see some of the plans for the site.

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Historical Society of Battle Creek
Includes picture of the Kellogg Sanitarium under the Sojourner Truth Institute. Also includes biographical material on John Harvey Kellogg.

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History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wales
Choose the first web link on the History of the SDA Church in Wales. Very brief.
Iglesia Cristiana Adventista Del Septimo Dia: Espana
Brief history of the SDA church in Spain.

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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
The Journal of Adventist Mission Studies is a scholarly journal published by the International Fellowship of Adventist Mission Studies (IFAMS).
Journal of Applied Christian Leadership
The Journal of Applied Christian Leadership (JACL) seeks to engage Christian leaders and scholars in a forward-looking dialogue about how to practice leadership in the light of ongoing research taking place across denominational, cultural, and disciplinary environments.

The purposes of JACL are threefold: (1) to stimulate inquiry into the interplay of the tensions Christians experience as persons of faith and leaders in and of organizations or communities; (2) to be a bridge in the dialogue between practicing Christian leaders and researchers of leadership as manifested in varies settings; and (3) to provide a forum for systematic reflection on the practice of Christian leadership, especially Servant Leadership, in the light of faith, the pressures of culture, and the mission of Christian organizations and churches.

The JACL is published twice a year under the auspices of the Christian Leadership Center at Andrews University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution. Views expressed in the JACL are those of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or the sponsoring organization.
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society
JATS is a refereed (double-blind, peer-reviewed) scholarly journal, translated intermittently into German, Spanish, and Russian. JATS is available free to every member of the Evangelical Theological Society and is read by nearly 2000 non-Adventist evangelical scholars.
Jones, A. T. Some History Some Experience and Some Facts, 1906.
The URL for this site proclaims it as ex-SDA. In addition to the full-text statement listed above, this site includes a number of other works critical of Ellen White, the SDA Church, and William Miller.

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Loma Linda University, Archives and Special Collections/Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office
The Archives and Special Collections department comprises a significant research collection of Adventist source materials. This site provides a list of Adventist historical resources and description of holdings at LLU. It includes audio/visual resources such as the on-line collection of "Seventh-day Adventist Related Photographs" which currently contains about 2,000 photos related to Loma Linda’s history. Also includes a bibliography of Ellen G. White titles.

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Resources for Seventh-day Adventist Treasurers at all levels.
Nuesta Historia
Some information about the SDA church in Venezuela.

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Online ArchivesOnline Archives - Periodicals
The Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research is commissioned to preserve all materials produced by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and its departments.
Perspective Digest (Adventist Theological Society)
Perspective Digest, is an online publication of the Adventist Theological Society (ATS), which both affirms the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and promotes the Bible as the basis of faith, character, and witness. ATS membership consists of Bible teachers, pastors, church administrators, business people, medical and legal professionals, students, and other interested lay persons..
Pacific Union Conference home page
From table of contents choose "Other Links" then "Adventist Images." Covers selected events and biographical sketches of Adventist leaders by period. Includes pictures and brief biographies.

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Pacific Union College, Pitcarin Islands Study Center
The PUC library web site links (under other hot research resources) to the Pitcarin Islands Study Center page. This page contains a list of materials in the collection, Pitcarin Island and Bounty links, and a history of Pitcarin. At least two photos are included.

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Present Truth Articles by E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones
The URL for this site proclaims it as a Shepherds-Rod site. Includes text of articles.

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The Religious Movements homepage
From the main page, choose Religious Group Profiles, Web Lins & Info, then choose “Alphabetical Listing of Profile” pages. Contains photos of William Miller, Ellen G. White, James White, and Joseph Bates. Pictures are courtesy of the Adventist Pioneer Library. Also mentioned is the SDA Encyclopedia as a source of information. Gives brief history of the church and the Millerite movement. Also has current information on the church as well as additional web links.

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Research Collections: The Millerites & Early Adventists, 1840-18780
One full page description of the microform collection on this topic, including a brief summary of Millerism and Adventism. The microform collection is held by a number of SDA libraries, including Peterson Memorial Library at Walla Walla College.

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Seventh-day Adventist Church
Official site of the General Conference of SDAs.
Seventh-day Adventist Libraries
This is a listing of Adventist institutions of higher learning around the world that have a web presence.
Seventh-day Adventist Obituary Index
Index to articles published in Adventist publications.
Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index
Index to articles published in Adventist publications.
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook
Directory of SDA conferences and institutions published by Office of Archives & Statistics, General Conference.
Shabbat Shalom: A Journal for Jewish-Christian Reconciliation
The purpose of this journal is to promote a climate of respect, understanding and sharing between Jewish and Christian communities; not only for the exercise of love and appreciation of the other, but also for the discovery of truths and values which surpass the genius of both traditions.

This is the hope dreamed in the name of our journal, SHABBAT SHALOM: hope of reconciliation, hope of SHALOM, inspired and nurtured through a common reflection anchored in the experience of the SHABBAT. .
Sabbath School: Quarterly Lesson
Sabbath School Lesson. Weekly and Quarterly lessons for in-depth Bible study of Word of God.
Seventh-day Adventist Periodical and Obituary Index
Guides to articles and obituaries in SDA periodicals.

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La Sierra University Heritage Room
The University Heritage Room contains a collection of SDA historical resources. The web site includes a description of its holdings as well as a document file index.

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SDA Church Home Page
Currently contains an on-line video 150 Years: The Review at Battle Creek – March 27, 1999
Timeline of Seventh-day Adventist Education
This brief timeline, covering the period of 1853-2005, provides a broad overview of the history of Seventh-day Adventist education, including the department which now oversees that work.
TAGNET - SDA History Site
Tagnet is the Three Angel's Global Network site. It provides information on William Miller, including full-text of his Dissertation on the True Inheritance of the Saints (1842), an argument refuting post-millennialism. Includes history of the Millerite movement as well as some information on Ellen White. Tagnet is also an excellent location for finding SDA Churches with web pages, including those published in Spanish.

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University of Michigan Historical Center for the Health Sciences: Source Link
Index includes references to archival collections on Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek College, and John Harvey Kellogg. Collections are located at one of the following: State Archives of Michigan, Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections, and Loma Linda’s Del E. Web Memorial Library.

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Washington New Hampshire SDA Church
Information on the history of the birthplace of Adventism. Includes pictures of the cemetery, church building (interior/exterior), SDA pioneers such as Cyrus Farnsworth, Rachel Oakes Preston, etc.

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William Miller Home & Farm – beta site designed by Michael Campbell for Adventist Heritage Ministry
Pictures of the William Miller home and farm, including Ascension Rock. Brief biography with links to related sites.

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Developed and maintained by AUP JLDM Library 2019-2025.