Newly Processed Library Materials as of February 2025

Material Type: Book

Call #: Ref 909 Sm69 2024

Sublocation: Undergrad.reference

Titles By: Coward, Fiona Susan.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: From the origins of our earliest African ancestors right up until the present day, History Year by Year covers the history of cultures and nations around the world in amazing visual detail. Discover the events, individuals, cultures, inventions and ideas that have shaped the world in this innovative and visually arresting book that presents the 'who', 'where' and 'what' of history as never before. Explore the past using dynamic timelines that highlight major themes and "stories of the year" as well as bite-sized detail so you can move seamlessly through history. Completely comprehensive yet perfect for browsing, History Year by Year is an essential addition to any family bookshelf making the past accessible to everyone.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 17:19:37.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 17:53:44.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EC 507.6 R357 2021

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Ricardo, Bernard.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 15:28:55.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 15:28:55.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EC 510.76 Q32 2023

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Quek, SH Alice.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 15:15:49.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 15:15:49.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EC 507.6 R357 2021

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Ricardo, Bernard.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 14:27:06.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:27:06.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EC 510.76 Q32 2021

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Quek, S. H. Alice.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 13:53:40.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:06:50.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 379.2 G5891 2017

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Gonzales, Ginselle Anne S.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This qualitative study determined the experience of the indigent students on the government's educational campaign: Student Financial Assistance Program. A total of seven students responded to the researcher's text messages, who were individually interviewed to ensure the authenticity of answers. The interview used three self-constructed guide questions which are as follows: (1) Perception/View of the students on the program, (2) challenges encountered with the program and (3) effect of the program. From the transcribed interviews the researchers found the following themes: beneficial, additional source of money, gives the less fortunate a chance, requirement processing, meetings and conflict of schedule, maintaining high grades, financial assistance and lastly assurance and comfort. Thus, it is concluded that the program has been a big help to the indigent students of the locality and is recommended that campaigns like this should increase in the near future.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 13:52:36.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:14:09.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic Y352r 2023

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Yee, Patrick.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: There are so many great things about reading, but these are the seven best things! We asked real children what they love most about reading and these were their answers. This book features cuddly animal friends doing all the things that make reading great including picking a book, turning the page, doing the funny voices, and more!

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 13:20:20.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 13:20:45.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic Y352f 2023

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Yee, Patrick.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: "What are the best things about family? We asked kids just like you what they liked most about family and these are their 7 favorite things!"- Book cover.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 13:14:42.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 13:15:14.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AUPC 284.9 D7141 2013

Sublocation: Archives

Titles By: Domocmat, Lowel J.,

Curriculum Objective: History of Christianity

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 12:20:09.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 15:39:20.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AUPC 286.73 D7141 2019

Sublocation: Archives

Titles By: Domocmat, Lowell J.

Curriculum Objective: Church Growth/Church Planting

Curriculum Objective: Urban Mission

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 11:55:45.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 15:15:45.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic Y352p 2023

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Yee, Patrick.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: "What are the best things about preschool? We asked kids just like you what they liked most about going to school and these are their 7 favorite things!"-- Back cover.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 11:42:05.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 11:42:37.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic Y352b 2023

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Yee, Patrick.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: "What are the best things about bedtime? We asked kids just like you what they liked most about going to bed and these are their 7 favorite things!"-- Back cover.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 11:27:03.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 11:30:20.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: CSC AH 231.7652 D4601 2021

Sublocation: Creation Science Center

Curriculum Objective: Theological Research

Curriculum Objective: Ecology

Summary/Etc: "An in-depth exploration of the way the biblical record illuminates various phenomena observed in the natural world"--

Summary/Etc: Provided by publisher.

Summary/Etc: In this unique book, 51 professional scientists, men and women of faith from a wide range of disciplines, provide short essays in their respective areas of expertise demonstrating some aspect of the design:catastrophe paradigm. Though written by experts, the essays are easily accessible to non-specialists, making this book extremely useful in the college and seminary classroom, and for the life-long learner. Design and Catastrophe does not attempt to prove the veracity of the biblical account of origins and a global Flood as recorded in the book of Genesis. Rather, in these 51 essays, it richly samples the overwhelming evidence of design and catastrophe in the world around us. In so doing, it invites us to look to the Scriptures for an explanation that provides meaning and purpose for our lives and what we discover in nature.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 11:03:10.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 13:28:40.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic K628 2024

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Kipling, Rudyard.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: When the boy Mowgl is found by a wolf pack, he embarks on a series of thrilling adventures with his friends and protectors Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 09:28:18.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 09:28:18.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AC 959.5 D494 2018 c.1

Sublocation: AUPA-Library

Titles By: Augusto V Deviana

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 09:17:04.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:43:52.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AC 959.5 D494 2018 c.2

Sublocation: AUPA-Library

Titles By: Augusto V Deviana

Curriculum Objective: #

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Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:43:52.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 615.5 R2793 2019

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Abne, Rina Claudine C.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The Philippines vowed to fight substance abuse under president Duterte's administration with the PNP's Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign. As for any program, compliance should be ensured to achieve desired outcomes. Hence, this study aimed to determine the relationship of internal (socio-demographic profile, history of substance abuse, and readiness to change) and therapeutic factors (support system, involvement, quality of services and satisfaction) toward compliance to substance abuse rehabilitation programs among patients within DOH Treatment and Rehabilitation Center in Tagaytay City, Cavite using a mixed methods concurrent triangulation design. After securing consent, a modified questionnaire from published literature was conducted among 100 randomized male patients involved in the use of Methamphetamine (shabu), Cannabis (Marijuana), and Cocaine, or any combination of these. After pre-testing the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were conducted among selected patients and staff, and secondary data on the overall socio-demographic profile of enrolled patients were collected from the rehabilitation center for triangulation. Data were subjected to descriptive and analytical statistics. All of the therapeutic factors where shown to have statistically significant relationship with compliance using One-Way ANOVA and Pearsons Correlation, in contrast to internal factors that only included marital status and educational attainment. By ETA squared and Regression Analysis, however, only support system and quality of service were direct predictors of compliance. Close family ties, trusted circle of friends, satisfaction with facilities and programs were identified as predictors of compliance using thematic analysis. Hence, current rehabilitation programs may opt to reconstruct their therapeutic approach focusing on support system and quality of service to more suitably address the growing population of substance abusers in the country.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-11 07:59:57.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 09:08:02.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: EFic St548p 2018

Sublocation: AUPE Library

Titles By: Stilton, Geronimo.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Upon discovering a planet that mysteriously appears and disappears, Geronimo Siltonix and his crew land the MouseStar 1 to investigate and they encounter a race of secret-keeping aliens.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 16:45:42.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-10 16:45:42.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AC 959.9 D494 2018

Sublocation: AUPA-Lib.

Titles By: De Viana, Augusto V.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 16:24:40.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-10 16:55:29.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: AC 959.9 D494 2018

Sublocation: AUPA-Library

Titles By: De Viana, Augusto V.

Curriculum Objective: #

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 16:24:40.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-10 16:55:29.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 781.25 K8483 2024

Sublocation: Undergraduate Circulation

Titles By: Kostka, Stefan M.,

Curriculum Objective: Forms and Analysis

Curriculum Objective: Counterpoint

Curriculum Objective: Music Theory 3

Curriculum Objective: Choir 4

Summary/Etc: "Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Post-Tonal Music is intended for a two-year course in music theory/harmony. It offers a clear and thorough introduction to the resources and practice of Western music from the seventeenth century to the present day. Its concise, one-volume format and flexible approach make the book usable in a broad range of theory curricula"--

Summary/Etc: Provided by publisher.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 15:27:56.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 08:58:13.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 787.193 Ih1 2024

Sublocation: Undergraduate Circulation

Titles By: Ihas, Dijana,

Curriculum Objective: Pedagogy and Literature on Applied Instrument

Summary/Etc: "Teaching Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass summarizes three centuries of string pedagogical treatises to create a comprehensive resource on methods and approaches to teaching all four bowed string instruments. Co-written by three performance and pedagogy experts, each specializing in different string instruments, this book is applicable to all levels of instruction. Essays on historical pedagogues are clearly structured to allow for easy comprehension of their philosophies, pedagogical practices, and unique contributions. The book concludes with a section on application through comparative analysis of the historical methods and approaches. With coverage from the eighteenth century to the present, this book will be invaluable for graduate and undergraduate students of string pedagogy, for string performance educators at all levels, and readers interested in the evolution of string pedagogy"--

Summary/Etc: Provided by publisher.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 15:09:40.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 08:24:39.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 780.71 H4633 2024

Sublocation: Undergraduate Circulation

Titles By: Hess, Juliet,

Curriculum Objective: Music Education Methodology

Summary/Etc: "Madness and Distress in Music Education offers an in-depth exploration of mental health and emotional distress in the context of music education, offering new ways of thinking about these experiences and constructing ways to support distress through affirming pedagogy and practices in music education. Centering the lived experiences of 15 people in a range of roles across music education who self-identify an issue with their mental health, the volume addresses impacts on both students and educators. The author draws on Mad Studies and disability studies to present new paradigms for thinking about Madness and distress in the music context. Considering how people conceptualize their mental health, how distress impacts participation in music education, how music education may support or exacerbate distress, and discussing supports for distress that can be implemented in music education, this book is an essential resource for music educators, music education researchers, and preservice students seeking to understand the complexities of mental health in the music classroom"--

Summary/Etc: Provided by publisher.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-10 14:54:19.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 08:14:17.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 158.1 B4105 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Belarmino, Aaron G.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This study determines the attitudinal response of the viewers toward the film entitled The Loud Cry. This study meant to analyze their emotional levels in the aspect of prayer, witnessing and study of sanctification and also the film elements that demonstrated the three aspects. The study uses two research designs: the survey research design and content analysis. Thirty respondents who were able to view the film comprised the population. The Loud Cry gave a positive religious impact and influence on the attitude of the viewers through the three aspects: study of sanctification, prayer and witnessing. The overall results showed that the viewers felt the following after watching the film: (1) encouraged to be a witness of God; (2) grew stronger in faith; (3) developed more love towards others, (4) inspired to read the Bible, (5) made them want to participate in worship services, (6) inspirited to have more quiet times for prayers and mediations, and (7) enheartened to live as an example. The study elaborated that their emotional levels were relatively "High" on all of the three aspects (sanctification, prayer, and witnessing). The film elements that supported the results on the attitude of the viewers toward the film were as follows: Editing, Music, Sound, Mise en cene, Director of Photography and cinematography.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 16:41:23.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 07:49:19.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 636.0832 P3412 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Pedernal, Alissa Mae R.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Animal welfare videos may have an effect on the attitude towards meat eating. Data was collected from 60 junior high school respondents involving both males and females and coming from all three levels of society-low income, middle income, high income families. A self-constructed questionnaire was created to measure the effect of animal welfare videos towards meat eating. The study used a quasi-experimental research design which has two groups: the control group and the experimental group. They were given both pre-test and post-test with only the experimental group receiving an intervention which is watching animal welfare videos. The results showed that although in certain statements, such as "I believe that animals experience pain" and "I believe that it is wrong to hurt and kill animals," the respondents reached a score of 4 which means that they agree to the statements, the grand mean only reached a number 3 which means the respondents generally have a moderate attitude towards meat eating when influenced by viewing of animal welfare videos.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 16:06:33.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 07:40:26.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 302.12 An249 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Andrade, Micah Angela A.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study determines cultural values and stereotypes as perceived by Filipino college students of Adventist University of the Philippines. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions of the researcher: what is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents; what are the cultural values that were perceived by the respondents in the Pantene advocacy advertisement and the extent of stereotypes. The sample consists of 100 students from the college of Arts and Humanities, Adventist University of the Philippines and the researcher used convenient sampling method. The respondents watched the advertisement and were asked to answer a 2-page questionnaire. The data collected were all encoded in google forms and the results were downloaded and put into graphs and tables. The results showed that students believed that the advertisement depicted cultural values such as resilience, adaptability, faithfulness, cooperativeness, bravery, discretion, gratefulness, honesty and it is family-oriented. The advertisement was not effective in removing stereotypes.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 15:30:38.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 11:48:20.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 338.7 B6401 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Bonador, Ma. Sarah Q.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This study used descriptive correlational research design to determine the relationship between patronage of beauty product and the body image satisfaction of AUP female college students. Body-image scale was administered together with the questionnaire that measures the frequency beauty product usage to a sample of 100 female college students from the Adventist University of the Philippines from academic year 2015-2016. The modified body-image scale was used to determine the body satisfaction of the respondents. Descriptive statistics was conducted and identified the age and year level of the respondents. The findings show that most of the respondents are 19 year-old. Moreover, there were 39 first year students, 34 second year, 20 third year, and 7 fourth year students who participated in this study. Descriptive statistics was conducted and identified soap as the highest frequency usage beauty product. The descriptive analysis was also conducted and identified that the respondents are satisfied in their body image as the overall body image scale. Chi-square tests was conducted and identified that there is no significant relationship to the body image of the respondents regardless of the beauty products that they are using. Finally, the overall findings of the study may serve as as guide to the parents, Adventist institutions, Guidance Counselors, Ladies Home Deans Counselors future researchers that they may further understand the factors that affect the body image of the respondents and to guide them well in dealing with satisfaction issues.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 14:58:27.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 15:54:27.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 658.1552 C1155 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Cadungog, Jonjelou Frias.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Medical TV shows does not necessarily have a significant influence on the career choice of college medical students. Data was collected from 100 respondents from the college level who are taking up Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science, who are both males and females, and are coming from the low income, middle income and high income levels of society. A self-constructed questionnaire was created to measure the influence of Medical TV shows on a student's career choice. The study used a casual-comparative Research Design which would show the relationship between the independent and dependent variable after an event has already taken place, on which case, the viewers have already been exposed to Medical TV shows. Variables measured that could affect the said relationship were gender, socio-economic status and course. However, findings from the study resulted to a not significant level which means that Medical Tv shows does not have a significant effect on the career choice of college medical students.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 14:33:09.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 15:42:38.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 362.76 K7609 2013

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Evans, Mochah.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study is about the knowledge on child abuse and preventive practices. Its main aim of this study is to determine the knowledge of parents and their preventive practices on child abuse. This also served to answer the problems formulated such as the level of knowledge about child abuse, the extent of parent's preventive practice on child abuse significant relationship between the parent's knowledge on child abuse and their preventive practices and significant difference in the knowledge and preventive practices of parents on child abuse considering their: Age, Educational attainment, Religion, Employment status of parent, Marital status, socio-economic status and which were used as moderator variables and their effects on preventive practices of the respondents. The study focused only to the parents' knowledge and preventive practices on child abuse. The respondents were 100 parents from barangay Puting Kahoy Silang Cavite. Quantitative designed was used in the study, using the population of parents which children under the age of 10 years old. The instrument used was a questionnaire divided into three parts: the demographic data of the respondents, their knowledge about child abuse, and their preventive practices on child abuse. Mean standard deviation, pearson's correlation coefficient and analysis of variance were used in encoding and treating the data gathered. The respondents were chosen based on non-probability sampling specifically convenient sampling wherein data was collected conveniently available in the community. Result of the finding showered that majority of the respondent has high knowledge level with same preventive practices regarding child abuse. The result also revealed that there is no significant relationship between knowledge and preventive practices towards child abuse. It does not matter of what level of knowledge a person has, they still do the same practices. Consequently, the result showered no significant difference in the knowledge and preventive practices of the parents when age, employment status, marital status, and economic status are considered. However when the educational is considered, there is a significant difference in the knowledge of the respondents which means that the higher the knowledge the more they will do preventive practices on child abuse. There is also a significant difference in the knowledge and preventive practices towards child abuse when religions is considered where Seventh-day Adventists has the highest score for both knowledge and preventive practices meaning that Seventh-day Adventists has higher knowledge and preventive practices towards child abuse than other religions.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 13:50:38.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 16:34:09.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 384.5532 P1972 2017

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Papag, Cathlene C.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This study determines the viewer's perception on "Wish ko lang" Tv Program with the involvement of residents in barangay. A two part questionnaire is distributed to 80 residents between ages 10-45 years old with the interval of 5 the respondents were given 2 sets of questions consisted of 10 questions each measuring the attitude of the respondents towards Wish ko lang being the first variable and viewers perception towards poverty the 2nd variable. The study use the descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, media, standard deviation, mode, variance, average percentage and chi test. which adds up and helps in the process of internalizing data gathered through survey questionnaire. The findings of this study, "Wish ko lang" TV program target the emotional perspective of the viewers as the program brings hope viewers were encourage and motivated by the program and the study also find out that as perceived by the viewers of the program the major cause of poverty is laziness as they believe that they only have themselves to rely on after all the learnings address in the program still, it will all just be a feeling because people lack lifelong applications of the learned teachings.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 13:19:28.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:56:17.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: 530.475 V567 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Ventura, Thalia Marie A.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This research study will show the diffusion of online map literacy among users from selected goverment agencies. Basically the researcher will get feedback of selected government agencies consisting of the content ,utilization , and accessibility, and also what are the visual elements found in the web portal. The study aims to determine the effectivity of online map among general audience. Moreover the study specifically aims to answer specifically the following questions. What is the demographic profile of the respondents, how user friendly is online maps in terms of content , utilization, accessibility , and what are the visual elements found in the web portal. The respondents selected representative coming from different initial stakeholders' goverment agencies that is collaboration with this activity namely the department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Transportation and Communications. Department of Education, Metro Manila Development Authority , and Philippine National Police. The researcher choose respondent coming from the following goverment agencies because their nature of work fit with the standards of the respondents of this research. The study uses this quantitaive descriptive method, aims to determine the usage of DENR mapping program among other goverment agencies . Web portal is friendly in terms of its content, ulization, and accessibility and is slightly intimidating to new users. The respondents have known the web portal for one year before they start using it of their work . This also concludes that the web portal makes their task easier , faster, effective. And it is very pleasant to use the design of the web portal beacause of the presenece of the basic visual elements.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 11:43:58.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 10:21:48.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 305.235 D648 2017

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Dizon, Jon Nevin T.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This is an exploratory study into relationships of television viewing, Family activities and adolescents values. The study wanted to find out whether television viewing has an effect on family activities and adolescent values, and whether family activities affects adolescent values. This study administered a questionnaire on 110 students of the Adventist University of the Philippines Academy (AUPA). The respondent were composed of 61 (55.5%) males and 49 (44.5%) females, ages 14 to 18 years. The respondents were 69 (63%) Adventists and 41 (37%) non-Adventists. Statistical analysis showed that there is no significant relationship between television viewing and family activities. It also showed that there is no significant relationship between television viewing and adolescent values among the respondents. However, the analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between family activities and adolescent values among the respondents. The study concludes that moderate television viewing does not significantly affect the family activities and values of adolescent but that family activities affect the values of adolescents. It recommends parents to engage in positive family activities with their adolescent children in order to ensure the transfer and exercise of positive values in their adolescent children.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 11:38:30.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 15:09:39.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 320.9599 Si72 2017

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Sioson, Rio Alyssa Gevieso.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Determining different attitudes of Filipino Netizens on the ASEAN Summit 2016 have been thematically analyzed from their comments on three selected post (vedio/photo) related to the said event. With the qualitative approach of thematic analysis, this study aims to understand the different thoughts and opinions specifically the attitudes of the Filipino Netizens have inputted in their comments. A total of 240 comments (80 for each post) were analyzed. These comments were gathered through facebook which is the world's most popular social media. Moreover, the participants are randomly selected therefore their age, gender, location, and etc. are not limited. After a brief study and analysis, it was found out that there are three categories of attitudes that can be seen in the data (comments) gathered. Furthermore, the data (comments) showed notable personalities, topic or issues which are somewhat related to the happening that is happening and shown in the selected posts.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 11:03:37.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-13 07:56:15.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 306.874 B4313 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Benavidez, Noelyn Mae M.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study determined the relationship between Adventist Viewing Habits and the Degree of Family Values Portrayed in Teleserye. This study is a quantitative research and used descriptive research design. A self-administered, validated questionnaire was used as research instrument. The data gathered were analyzed using percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviation and Pearson R. The respondents of the study were baptized Seventh-day Adventists and a church member in San Pablo City, Laguna. The questionnaire had three parts. The first part covered the demographic profile of the participants. The second part determined the familiarity of the participants on Teleserye and lastly, the third part determined the perceived degree of family values portrayed in Teleserye. Almost all of the values have no significant relationship between the respondents viewing habit on specific Teleserye, Forevermore which on the average, viewed 1-2 times a week have a weak positive relationship between the perceived family value LOVE. The result agree to the proposed hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between respondents viewing habits and the perceived family values portrayed in teleseryes.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 09:33:39.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-13 07:55:31.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 158.2 T7879 2019

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Tshika, Bipendu Madeleine.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study aimed to find the correlation of interpersonal communication, religious orientation, and social media usage among religious organization members of the Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP). A questionnaire with four parts was distributed among 82 active students, who are members of religious organizations in AUP, second semester of the academic year 2018-2019. The result showed that most of the members of the religious organization are Seventh-day Adventist members. Majority of the students according utilize Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Furthermore, most of the respondents started using social media 7-10 years ago. Also, they reported that they most often use smart phones to access social media site for the purpose of entertainment, communication, educational purpose, and sometimes to socialize. Overall, the respondents are more active in social media usage. On the other hand, the respondents have an excellent interpersonal communication, whereby the respondents showed a satisfactory level of religious orientation. From the correlation analysis, it was determined that there was no significant relationship between social media usage and interpersonal communication, whereby, the result showed that there is a significant negative relationship between social media usage and religious orientation. Social media is a tool used for social networking; it should not be overused to the extent that it will destroy one's relationship with God.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-06 08:22:07.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-06 12:07:06.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: 621.388 Y25 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Yarte, Prescious Denisse.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study determines the relationship of prosocial programs children watch every day and the altruistic values perceived by them. It reviews various researches, study and literatures regarding prosocial programs and the values such as empathy, caring, helping and cooperation in which children are exposed to whenever they view prosocial programs and the values and prosocial actins it portrays. It discusses altruistic values such as empathy , caring, helping and cooperation in which children are exposed to whenever they view prosocial programs. The results say that the trait helping is the most seen altruistic behavior in the programs children watch. Futhermore , the trait sharing has the highest rate when perceived altruistic values of children are measured.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 16:34:07.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 10:35:59.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: 307 D3702 2017

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Dela Cruz , Josua A.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This research study will show the use of the facebook group as a community discussion. The researcher will get feedback to the members of the facebook group'Santa Rosa Forum'. The study aims to measure the effectiveness of the facebook group as a communication tool for community discussion. The study will answer the questions: What is the demographic profile of the respondents, What is the Facebook usage level of the respondents, What is the purpose of facebook group SantaRosa Forum to Santa , Rosa Laguna Residents, and What is the quality of information posted in the facebook group " SantaRosa Forum" in terms of Engagement of the respondents, Credibility of the information , Clarity of Posts, and Productiveness of the Facebook group. The "SantaRosa Forum" is a facebook group for and by Santa Rosa, Laguna residents. The administrators create it to form an informal discussion with in the community. Discussion between the members of the group about social and political issues, promotions and public service announcement, inquires, and to socialize.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 15:58:47.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 11:14:01.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 170 Al16 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Alcantara,Kyari Leen P.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This thesis the status inquiry of bloggers on thier compliance to the code of Ethics for bloggers. In the United States of America alone, there are 31 million bloggers, how many of them blog responsibly ? This code of ethics is a significant set of rules specifically made for people with the interest in writing and blogging . Before these sets rules were established in 2007, bloggers were unfortunately punished: it even led up to a death penalty. Legal consequences were made because of bloggers own harmful words and thoughts written online. This code was made for the online safety of bloggers and of readers alike. As far as the results of the study showed, the respondents chosen were all aware of this set of codes. They all admit to being responsible bloggers and they all have been proved to be basing on their personal blogsites. The study used the descriptive research to determine the statusog bloggers towards responsible blogging. This study was conducted during the second semester of the school year 2015-2016 which consisted of 21 male and female bloggers of the age 15-30 years. The respondents were given 20 questions with 5 options (always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never). Each of these option were encoded by the researcher for statistical matters. This study used the descriptive statistics such as the frequency, Mean, and the Standard Deviation to help the reseacher determine the status inquiry of the respondents towards responsible blogging.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 15:29:17.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 15:52:14.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 404.2 Sa997 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Sayman, Demi Meg H.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: This qualitative study determined the consequentiality of Language diversity on a multicultural university. An interview with questions self-constructed, was used as service guide. Convenient sampling was applied and used to pick the international and local students of differing year levels and nationalities, who were then grouped to their respective ethic groups and interviewed through focus groups, which were Filipina, Filipino -American , Black Asian and Islander. Each group was comprised of six members. From the transcribed interviews, the emerging themes found was comprised of six members.from the transcribed interviews, the emerging themes found are cultural integration, social exclusivity, attitude adjustment and academic impairment. It is thus recommended to establish awareness of these subtle, but crucial aftereffects found in a diversified community, which should lead to smarter and more open approaches to such.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 15:06:12.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-13 08:01:17.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 361.1 Am16 2015

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Ambat, Elden Roy Abanilla.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Film is a form of media that could greatly affect a person's life. Film is considered an art, however it may also be a powerful tool to shape the society , moreover one's culture. Film is a reflection of society, booth present and past. Film and its innovations sometimes have to catch up to society, but sometimes it leads society too.( Shah, 2011). To a world that is constantly changing, there is no doubt that media has its great effect in one's way of thinking, the way one thinks and acts is reflected on what one hears and sees.Indeed, media plays an important role in everyones life that influences both social perspective and cultural trends. Moreover, movies are stories created and developed by people who originally have ideas about something they want to tell. Thus, movies become a powerful means of communication that creates the illusion of the surreal and portrays it as another form of reality. futhermore, people create film to express different kinds of feelings and emotions towards a particular subject. Hence, films become a cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and in turn, affect them. ( Sherak, 2011) All actions are based on what was learned and known by seeing and imitating. Following this trend of thought will arrive at the inference that as one watches movies, he tends to act accordingly, by the means of learning and practicing( Shah, 2011). The researcher chose this field of the study due to his observation that many female college students are inclined into watching films. This study will help in creation of females awareness on how film can greatly influnces one's action; that may determine his way of life. For instance, many of Today's films portray homosexuality, something morally wrong before, but eventually becomes morally right and accepted by the society..

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 11:23:34.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 11:28:04.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 646.7 C2809 2015

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Catapang, Carlene Victoria V.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Advertising is a paid form of non personal communication used to persuade audience to buy a product. A product needs an effective advertisement to attract people and make good competition. Advertising has become a part of cosmetic manufacturers'lives to win the consumers' hearts. Marketers use advertising not only to persuade the audience to buy their products but also to advertise it, and if successful the non viewers as well become their customers. In an attempt to communicate the merits of thier products or brands, advertisers have often chosen to use endorsements as a promotional strategy. As they have different strategies of promoting thier products;one of the strategies they use is to employ women in promoting the products. The study is aimed at knowing if the perception of female students from Tagaytay City Science National High School on cosmetic television advertisements influences them on their attitude towards cosmetic product consumption. The study was conducted during the second semester of collegiate year 2014-2015 and self-administered survey questionares were used to gather data. The students regular exposure to cosmetic advertisements may lead to positive perception of buying, and as a result, it is their act of buying the cosmetic product . This means whenever a studen's consumption of cosmtetic product is high , their perception is influenced by exposure to cosmetic television advertisement.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 10:32:01.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 09:40:08.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 302.2 T556 2015

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Tobongbanua, Jevelle Mendoza.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of English Proficiency and Ego-Centric and what determine the relationship resulted from the data collected. It is necessary to answer some prerequisite goals such, respondents reason of communication , level of English proficiency , attitude using English language, interpersonal competencies, demographic of Network mapping using the analysis of group degree centrality, betweeness, and eignevector centrality. In this effort, it reaches the understanding of importance of having a connection to people and identiying the meaning of symbols in our social environment that will help social interaction. Two method of analysing the data were used , using SPSS and Ucinet for network mapping and network statistical tools. Research deisgn was descriptive method with correlational and Ego-centric method. Respondents were asked to answer a 7-page questionaire . In ego-centric method, they need to elicit names whom they coomunicate in English for two different social setting , identify the relationship and frequency . The data collected was submitted to a statistician and the researcher use UciNet software and NetDraw for network mapping and network statistical tool network analysis. In this study, the hypothesis of the researcher is true. English proficiency has no relationship on the Ego-centric Network. According to Chomsky ,although language user is competent on what and how langauge will be used, their actual performance in using langauge don't reflect taht knowledge. An individual can gain knowledge about English rules and grammar structure yet some are not using it in their actual conversation.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 09:47:40.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:50:10.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 398.2 As93 2016

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Asuncion,Jeeno Rolito.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The study aims to examine the profile of the readers of urban legends and why it persists in their mind. The study aims to identify the demographic profile of the respondents, their level of exposure to social media, what urban legends they read and what elements of the story are retained in the minds of the respondent. Furthermore the study also shoes how the respondents rate the principles of stickiness and if they believe it. The respondents were 90 college students enrolled in the Adventist University of the Philippines, De Lasalle University Dasmarinas and Cavite State University-Silang Campus and the sampling method used was Purposive-Quota. The study used Quantitative-Descriptive design and the principles of stickiness as a framework. The data was encoded using Google forms, analyzed in Excel and uses descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and standard deviation.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 09:09:01.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-11 14:37:38.000

Material Type: Manuscript Language Material

Call #: BTh 363.72 D619 2018

Sublocation: Baby Thesis Section

Titles By: Dinulos,Gabriel Zoilo H.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Since managing waste is a major problem in many countries and most of the wastes generated by man are from everyday household items. from this study aims to determine the level of the knowledge, attitude and practice of the respondents towards waste segregation. This study shows the importance of waste management to the family to become more mindful, to the church to become more involved because cleanliness is next to godliness, and the community to be more active in participating waste management program so that people can live healthy and environmental friendly. This study sights some literature review related to waste management and segregation. The researchers chose a christian household to be respondents. Based on the findings of this study , the researchers concluded that certain communication tools do contribute to knowledge, attitude and practices of people towards waste segregation.Their religious affiliation contributes to their practice of waste segregation.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-05 07:49:45.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-12 15:59:34.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 657 F9627 2025

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Phillips, Fred.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting provides the easiest student engagement for instructors. Its friendly voice coaches students with real company stories, interesting videos, and simplified data analytics exercises, encouraging them to learn how fundamental accounting and business decisions influence financial results. Unique learning resources include featured videos with real company stories explaining how fundamental accounting and business decisions influence financial results. The text follows decisions and financial results of familiar companies integrated throughout chapter or in Spotlight boxes. Assignments include Coached Problems and simplified data analytics exercises that support students as they apply their developing knowledge. The structure of the accounting cycle chapters presents a progressive but smooth learning curve that aligns with the natural progression of decisions entrepreneurs make when starting a new business.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 16:03:49.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 16:38:52.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 658.3 D4166 2025

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: DeNisi, Angelo.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: "Teach human resource management your way with DeNisi/Griffin's HR, 6E from 4LTR Press. This inviting, easy-reference book serves as your guide to teaching the essential concepts and skills of human resource management. Visually engaging, brief chapters offer numerous learning features and study tools such as end-of-chapter summaries that consolidate new concepts into a ready-made study guide. Students will tailor their experience by choosing the format that best suits their learning preferences. HR, 6E is perfect if you prefer to use the printed text as your primary teaching tool and reference resource for refining how you teach human resource management skills.".

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 15:22:48.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 15:32:14.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 371.102 R955 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Ryan, Kevin.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: TEACHING FOR STUDENT LEARNING: BECOMING A MASTER TEACHER, Fourth Edition, offers practical tools, skills and advice that pre-service and in-service teachers can implement immediately. Written by a team of experienced educators and authors, this trusted text promotes ambitious and powerful teaching and high levels of engagement and interaction. Ideal for both current and aspiring educators, this innovative text helps readers achieve their goals by focusing on essential teaching tasks and covering topics such as instruction, assessment and classroom management. The text also aids in teacher preparation by emphasizing get-the-job-done problem-solving skills and focused advice. Modules are presented in an easy-to-read and -reference format, giving readers ready access to the fundamental information and professional insights today's teachers need to succeed. The current edition also features a strong focus on interactivity, with videos embedded directly within the eBook to facilitate multimedia learning.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 15:02:59.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 15:11:03.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 070.4 P3174 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Pearson, Eric.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witness to events. News is sometimes called "hard news" to differentiate it from soft media. News values are the professional norms of journalism. Commonly, news content should contain all the "Five Ws" (who, what, when, where, why and also how) of an event. Newspapers normally place hard news stories on the first pages, so the most important information is at the beginning, enabling busy readers to read as little or as much as they desire. Local stations and networks with a set format must take news stories and break them down into the most important aspects due to time constraints. Common topics for news reports include war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, entertainment, and sport, as well as quirky or unusual events. Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals, have been dubbed news since ancient times. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have increased the speed with which news can spread, as well as influenced its content. Media publicity is, in many ways, an opportunistic activity. Given the speed with which news events are reported these days, you've got to seize an opportunity for media coverage because your work has greater "news value", or interest, to the public. This unique text provides students with a well-written and wide-ranging assessment of all aspects of the media and news making.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 14:23:23.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 14:54:33.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 547 K6723 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Klein, David.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Organic chemistry is a challenging subject, with many students expecting it to require many hours of memorization. Author David Klein's Second Language books prove this is not true organic chemistry is one continuous story that actually makes sense if you pay close attention. Klein s books use a conversational tone making them more accessible and easier to read for students. Organic Chemistry as a Second Language: Second Semester Topics, 6e builds on the principles explored in the first half of the course, delving deeper into molecular mechanisms, reactions, and analytical techniques. Using Klein s one-of-a-kind SkillBuilder approach, the book includes hands-on exercises and thoroughly explained solutions designed to further reinforce student comprehension of chemical concepts and organic principles. An indispensable supplement to the primary text, this resource covers aromatic compounds, infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitution, ketones and aldehydes, carboxylic acid derivatives, and much more. Organic Chemistry as a Second Language: Second Semester Topics, 6e teaches students how to ask the right questions to solve problems, study more efficiently, and learn to speak the language of organic chemistry. Like its first-semester companion title, it is an essential guide on the side  for any organic chemistry student no matter what textbook or instructor-provided lecture material is used. The inclusion of new end of chapter problems, providing both practice and challenge, will prepare students and build confidence come exam time, as well as outside the classroom.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 13:59:10.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 14:08:04.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 741.6 M2933 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Male, Alan.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Alan Male's Illustration is a classic in the field. Bringing together theory, context and issues around conceptual understanding, the book is a perfect companion for illustration students around the world. Hundreds of images from a wide variety of contemporary illustrators explore how successful creators work with depth of knowledge and understanding of their subjects. By looking across examples from around the world, readers gain an understanding of: - Visual metaphors - Storytelling and narrative - Truth and documentation - Identity and persuasion - Briefs and development New for this edition is 'Illustrator as Author and Polymath', a chapter which explores the mix of skills that illustrators need beyond a strong visual style  they must be problem-solvers, visual thinkers, researchers and communicators. It also reveals how image creators from the world of illustration, visual communication and fine art can illuminate and present exciting and original concepts and ideas related to everything that is current, in the past and in the future. This edition has also been re-designed and contains an expanded glossary and further reading, and up to 30% new imagery, to reflect recent trends in contemporary illustration practice.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 13:39:45.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 13:47:56.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 158.7 Aa47 2023

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Aamodt, Michael G.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Seventh Edition, by Paul E. Levy, Alison O Malley, and Brodie Riordan, is the trusted introduction to the field of I/O that blends a personable writing style with a concise, up-to-date view of the research.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 13:18:51.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 13:31:49.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 612.76 So11 2025

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Soames, Roger.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Since its first publication in 1989, Anatomy and Human Movement has become the seminal textbook for physiotherapy and occupational therapy students in both the UK and internationally. This eighth edition has been fully updated by Professor Emeritus Roger Soames to incorporate the latest evidence and practice. It provides a clear and detailed account of musculoskeletal structure and function, with self-contained modules, multiple choice questions, illustrations and electronic ancillaries to support both learning and teaching. The book will be invaluable for anyone needing to learn and remember how movement takes place, including students of sport and exercise sciences, orthopaedic health, chiropody and podiatry, chiropractic and osteopathy, and complementary medicine. It is also suitable for practising clinicians wishing to refresh their knowledge of functional anatomy. Self-contained modules help users study at their own pace and time Easy to navigate  key concepts, summary boxes and overview make it easy to retain information Learning objectives for each subsection to provide a framework for the student Self-assessment questions to support learning Full-colour illustrations represent anatomy in 3D Electronic ancillaries for flexible learning outside the classroom - a supplementary e-learning course and varied validation resources, such as outcome measures, animations, videos, quizzes, activity analyses and MCQ tests Fully revised and updated New self-test MCQs.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 11:55:31.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 12:01:33.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 610.73012 N9387 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: Enhance your care with the standardized measurement of nursing interventions! Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 7th Edition standardizes the terminology and criteria needed to measure and evaluate outcomes in all care settings and with all patient populations. A total of 612 research-based nursing outcome labels  including 82 that are NEW to this edition  provide clinically useful language to help you deliver treatment and document outcomes. Specific indicators are included to make it easier to evaluate and rate the patient in relation to outcome achievement. Written by an expert team of authors led by Sue Moorhead, this book is also ideal for healthcare administrators seeking to improve billing, recordkeeping, and cost containment. 612 research-based nursing outcome labels provide standardized terminology for individual, family, or community outcomes. Overview of the use of NOC within the nursing process introduces the importance of measuring outcomes of nursing care, and describes linkages with other classifications. Outcomes structured with a label name include code, definition, set of indicators with codes, five-point Likert measurement scales, publication facts lines, and selected references. Core outcomes are provided for an expanded list of nursing specialties. Linkages between NOC knowledge-focused outcomes and NOC behavioral outcomes focused on the concept or condition are examined. NEW! 82 new outcomes are added to the Classification, allowing you to better define patient outcomes that are responsive to nursing care. NEW! 402 existing outcomes are reviewed or revised based on research-based outcomes. NEW! A new section focused on resources supports research, implementation, and educational strategies. NEW! Revised taxonomic structure includes two new classes and expanded family and community outcomes.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 11:35:13.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 11:40:08.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 616.07561 H6716 2025

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Hoeltke, Lyn B.

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: With a strong emphasis on practical hands-on learning, Hoeltke's THE COMPLETE TEXTBOOK OF PHLEBOTOMY, Sixth Edition has been fully updated to provide the critical skills and guidelines you need to be a successful health care professional. Organized in an easy-to-follow format, the material provides more than 20 clear, step-by-step procedures with related laboratory processes critical to building your knowledge, confidence and career success. THE COMPLETE TEXTBOOK OF PHLEBOTOMY covers the latest professional standards and competencies you need for certification. Real-world scenarios and prompts emphasize the phlebotomist's legal and ethical role in patient care decisions and thoughtfully connect complex concepts to the reality of today's health care environment.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 10:41:34.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 10:50:53.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 616.1 T3403 2023

Sublocation: Circulation

Curriculum Objective: #

Summary/Etc: The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care Clear, practical guidance in mastering ECG interpretation in the critically ill patient The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care contains clear, practical guidance on mastering both single-lead and 12 lead ECGs, covering the full range of complexities and including a section on differential diagnosis of more common ECGs, with over 200 tracings from which to learn and self-test. The editors place an emphasis on readability and accessibility, with clearly written chapters and excellent illustrations that serve as a primary source of information for students, trainees, and practicing emergency physicians in all areas. In The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care, readers can expect to find detailed information on topics such as: Clinical applications, impact, and interpretation of the electrocardiogram, plus variants of the normal, lead misplacement, and electrocardiographic artifact encountered in clinical practice Cardiac rhythms and cardiac dysrhythmias, covering cardiac rhythms with normal rates, narrow QRS complex tachycardia, wide QRS complex tachycardia, and bradycardia Anatomic and physiologic considerations of ischemic heart disease, historical development of the prehospital electrocardiogram, and electrocardiographic findings in acute coronary syndrome Special populations, high-risk presentation scenarios, and advanced electrocardiographic techniques, covering electrocardiograms in pediatric and poisoned patients The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care is ideally suited to medical students, residents, and physicians in training, but is also a useful reference for established physicians as a review and reference text, along with all other health professionals working in this field.

Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 10:19:43.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 10:28:59.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 618.20231 Om2 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: O'Meara, Amy Mandeville.

Curriculum Objective: #


Date Encoded: 2025-02-04 10:06:23.000
Date Updated: 2025-02-04 10:11:29.000

Material Type: Book

Call #: 610.73076 Si399 2024

Sublocation: Circulation

Titles By: Silvestri, Linda Anne.

Curriculum Objective: #


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Date Updated: 2025-02-04 09:52:01.000